Logging in To Salesforce from ColdFusion

Im continuing to clear out articles from the retired company development team blog. This one, was instrumental in getting me connected with one of my first big side work projects, which evolved into a two year project that helped us retire our mortgage.

From August 2011:

We have been working the last few months on an experiment with Salesforce.com. The code is some of our first to be written almost purely using CFScript and Hibernate. One of our challenges was communicating with Salesforce, in particular, their fairly new REST API. Their API documentation is pretty good, but the one area that was somewhat lacking at the time was how to log in. Once we figured it out, the solution was rather simple, it just took a little while to find the right combination of parameters.

We hope to eventually release our entire CFC for talking with Salesforce, which has a lot of convenience methods to get, set, upsert, and describe Salesforce objects, but for now, here is our code to log in and get an object.

public boolean function logIn() {
   if (variables.token EQ '' OR arguments.force) {
      local.http = new Http(url=variables.salesforceInstance & '/services/oauth2/token',method='post');
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='grant_type', value='password');
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='client_id', value=variables.CLIENTID);
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='client_secret', value=variables.CLIENTSECRET);
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='username', value=variables.USERNAME);
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='password', value=variables.PASSWORD);
      local.http.addParam(type='formField',name='format', value='json');

      local.httpSendResult = local.http.send();
      local.httpResult = httpSendResult.getPrefix();

      if (StructKeyExists(local.httpResult, "responseHeader")
            && StructKeyExists(local.httpResult.responseHeader, "status_code")
            && local.httpResult.responseHeader.status_code EQ 200) {
               local.stringResult = gatherResponseString(local.httpResult);
               //variables.json is an in-house wrapper around 'org.json.simple.JSONValue'. DeserializeJSON may work for you as well
               local.json = variables.json.toObject(local.stringResult);
               variables.token = local.json.access_token;
      } else {
            variables.token = '';
            local.errorString = gatherResponseString(local.httpResult);
            if (StructKeyExists(local.httpResult, "ErrorDetail")) {
               local.errorString &= ", detail: " & local.httpResult.ErrorDetail;
            throw (message='Unable to authenticate to SalesForce: ' & local.errorString, type='lampo.salesforce.loginerror');
public any function getObject(required string sfid, required string type, array fields) {
   local.url=variables.salesforceInstance & '/services/data/v' & variables.apiVersion &'/sobjects/'&arguments.type&'/' & arguments.sfid;

   if (NOT isNull(fields) AND ArrayLen(fields) GT 0) {
      local.url = local.url & '?fields=' & ArrayToList(fields);

   return makeJsonGetCall(url=local.url,errorMessage='Unable to find ' & arguments.type & ' with sfid ' & arguments.sfid);

/*************** HELPER FUNCTIONS ********************/
private function gatherResponseString(required any httpresult) {
   if (IsBinary(httpResult.FileContent)) {
      return CharsetEncode(httpResult.FileContent, httpResult.CharSet);
   } else {
      return trim(httpResult.FileContent);

private any function makeJsonGetCall(required string url, required string errorMessage) {
   local.httpResult = makeCall(arguments.url,'GET',{});

   if (local.httpResult.responseHeader.status_code EQ 200) {
      local.fromJson = variables.json.toObject(gatherResponseString(local.httpResult));
      return local.fromJson;
   } else {
      throw (message=arguments.errorMessage & ' (status: '& local.httpResult.responseHeader.status_code &')',type='lampo.salesforce.objectNotFound') ;
private any function makeCall(required string url, required string method,required struct params) {
   local.http = new Http(url=arguments.url,method=arguments.method);
   for (paramType in params) {
      for (paramKey in params[paramType]) {
         if (paramType NEQ 'header' or paramType neq 'Authorization') {
   local.http.addParam(type='header',name='Authorization',value='OAuth ' & variables.token);
   local.httpSendResult = local.http.send().getPrefix();

   if (local.httpSendResult.responseHeader.status_code EQ 401) {
      throw (message = 'Unable to log into SalesForce: ' & local.httpSendResult.responseHeader.status_code & '('&gatherResponseString(local.httpSendResult)&')',detail=gatherResponseString(local.httpSendResult),type='lampo.salesforce.loginFailure');
   } else {
      return local.httpSendResult;

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