
I am far from a perfect person, and am by no means a Biblical scholar. This category contains just some of my thoughts on faith.

Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with Huffman Codes

This is the third post in a series. Part 1: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun Part 2: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun : Text Compression 1 Part 3: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with Huffman Codes Part 4: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with a Prefix Tree (coming soon) Quick Recap Last week I established a few […]

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Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun : Text Compression 1

This is the second post in a series. Part 1: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun Part 2: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun : Text Compression 1 Part 3: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with Huffman Codes Part 4: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with a Prefix Tree (coming soon) Programming Tradeoffs A lot of what we do

Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun : Text Compression 1 Continue Reading »

Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun

This is the first post in a series. Part 1: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun Part 2: Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun : Text Compression 1 Part 3: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with Huffman Codes Part 4: Studying an Old E-Reader : Compressing a Dictionary with a Prefix Tree (coming soon) I’ve recently picked up an old E-Reader, specifically

Studying an Old E-Reader for Fun Continue Reading »

Simple Broadcast and Group Call Resources for Churches

We are in the first week of many states and municipalities in the US asking people to stay home and avoid group gatherings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Many churches who may never have considered streaming their services or doing online video are now faced with having to switch to digital options. Part of my day job is helping on the digital side of

Simple Broadcast and Group Call Resources for Churches Continue Reading »

A Cappella Worship Resources

Where my family worships we are a bit “weird”. We currently worship at a building bearing the name “Church of Christ” in Franklin, TN. What is strange, at least according to many followers of Christ in the United States, is our form of worship. We worship exclusively and collectively with our voices – no piano, no guitars, and no iPads. You may be stumbling across this article, and scratching your head

A Cappella Worship Resources Continue Reading »


I had an interesting reminder today that I still have a pleonast account, and that sometimes completely strangers will occasionally read what I say here (hello to new readers Tom, Doug, and Eli). So, here I am, back for a quick installment. Tonight was an interesting night at our mid-week study. The teachers for the “junior” class were out, so one of our elders suggested

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No New Theft

Ecc 1:9-14: What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things

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