
photography of three dogs looking up

Optimizing Away a LEFT JOIN in a Pinch

A couple years ago the company I worked for had had just launched a free consumer-facing application, and had been pushing it hard on social media. They were seeing hundreds to thousands of active users. It was painfully slow, and the culprit appeared to be the database. One of the main queries on the application was pushing the database server to its limits. Some users […]

Optimizing Away a LEFT JOIN in a Pinch Continue Reading »

Quickly Testing A Refactored SQL Query for Equivalence

A common problem I have worked on in my career has been to troubleshoot and improve slow, complex SQL queries. Usually these are part of codebases with few or no tests. If there are tests, they usually are testing some other part of the code and assume that the query is correct. It is rare to see tests that prove the columns being selected are

Quickly Testing A Refactored SQL Query for Equivalence Continue Reading »

Getting a quick hash of a query in PostgreSQL

I’ve been doing a lot of tweaking of SQL queries as of late, trying to squeeze some performance out of a query by adding indexes, optimizing joins, and some other operations. To do a quick check to ensure that the queries return the same results, I’ve been hashing the results to see if I get an identical hash back. This solution was adapted from

Getting a quick hash of a query in PostgreSQL Continue Reading »

PostgreSQL’s GREATEST (and LEAST) function

PostgreSQL has two functions that are not standard SQL, but are very helpful in certain situations : GREATEST and LEAST. In SQL MIN and MAX are aggregate functions that operate across all rows. But there are times where you want the smallest or largest value in a finite number of columns, a scalar min/max. That is where GREATEST and LEAST come in. Both allow for

PostgreSQL’s GREATEST (and LEAST) function Continue Reading »